The Future of Commuting
The Future of Commuting
Our region’s economic recovery may be advancing in fits and starts but traffic volumes on our region’s motorways have rebounded to near normal and the congestion that plagues Puget Sound travelers has returned in all the usual locations. Even as the hazards of the “new normal” have motivated thousands of commuters to abandon public transit, the people of this region need options that don’t involve endless hours lost to inadequate transportation infrastructure. In the midst of adversity we see opportunity.
So what does the future of commuting look like? Emerging trends in digital infrastructure will change how we learn, work, obtain medical care, and whether or not many choose to commute. Digital infrastructure will also change how we choose to commute. The equity outcomes of the digital revolution are promising as advancements in energy production and digital connectivity enable new technologies at a lower cost. The inherent flexibility of on-demand mobility services indicates that they can adapt and even thrive in this changing landscape. Legacy commuting models may give way to an entirely new shared-ride commuting experience that is at once as personal and private as it is equitable and sustainable.
Verizon and Teague are your hosts for this exciting journey forward in a new world of opportunity for everyone.
- Welcome from ACES Northwest Network Co-Founder
Bryan Mistele - Welcome from the ACES Northwest Network
Bruce Agnew - Welcome from the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce
Joe Fain - ACES Research Report: Puget Sound Commutes Today
Scott O. Kuznicki, P.E. - The Digital Workplace: Overcoming the Limits of Time and Place
Greta Knappenberger (Verizon) - Hannah: The Future of Autonomous School Busing and Other Commutes
Devin Liddell (Teague)
Bruce Agnew
Director, Cascadia CenterGreta Knappenberger
Scott Kuznicki
Research Fellow, Cascadia Center for Regional DevelopmentDevin Liddell
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