
Issues and Research

The Cascadia Center focuses on issues and research critical to improving transportation in the Central Puget Sound and throughout the Cascadia Corridor from Oregon to British Columbia. The Center’s research interests span the entire spectrum of transportation in the Northwest, and include the following strategic areas:

Managing, Planning, and Funding Transportation

Surface transportation in a major metropolitan region such as Central Puget Sound works best if it is planned, managed and funded as a unified system. Read More …

Hubs, Corridors, and Gateways

To develop and implement leading-edge surface transportation systems requires a focus on hubs, corridors and gateways. Read More…

Surface and Marine Transportation

Road congestion takes a heavy toll on us all, from time lost to increased costs for goods and services.
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Technology and Energy

The growing social and financial costs of our carbon-based economy have left Americans looking for cleaner options less dependent on foreign oil.
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